What is CityFHEPS?
CityFHEPS is a rental assistance supplement program to help individuals and families find and keep an apartment, single room occupancy (SRO) unit. CityFHEPS consolidates seven subsidies into a single program, designed to simplify and streamline the process for all New Yorker’s, including landlords and brokers, who serve as partners in our efforts to connect low-income New Yorker’s to stable housing. The program is administered by the Department of Social Services (DSS), which includes both the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) and the Human Resources Administration (HRA).
CityFHEPS rent levels are indexed to annual NYC Rent Guidelines Board adjustments for one-year leases and are slightly higher than previous City programs. If you house a tenant with CityFHEPS, you will receive rent payments directly from DSS/HRA.
What are the benefits of participating in CityFHEPS for landlords?
Under CityFHEPS, you will receive:
•3 months of upfront rent
• Rents that are based on household size and indexed to annual NYC Rent Guidelines Board adjustments for one-year leases.
A “unit hold” incentive equal to one month’s rent for landlords who agree to hold an apartment while the housing packet is being processed
• For apartments and SROs: The option to receive the first month’s rent in full, plus the next three (3) months’ rent supplement up front.
• Monthly rental assistance payments from DSS/HRA for up to five (5) years if your tenant continues to meet eligibility requirements and you remain in compliance with program requirements.
• A timely and standardized apartment or room “pre-clearance.”
What is the maximum rent for apartments CityFHEPS tenants can lease?